Here's what happened: During KTVU's Friday noon newscast, anchorwoman Tori Campbell told viewers, "KTVU has just learned the names of the four pilots who were on board," then proceeded to read the names which obviously came from a racially insensitive joke someone had made up. The announcement came complete with a graphic, as she continued, "Sum Ting Wong," "Wi Tu Lo," "Ho Lee Fuk," and "Bang Ding Ow"
Of course, it didn't take long for the phones to start ringing and then for KTVU to issue an apology. Then the finger pointing began. Apparently, a reporter from KTVU had called the NTSB after receiving a "tip." and asked the NTSB to confirm the names. As it happened, an intern at the NTSB answered the phone and, probably thinking it was a joke, confirmed it. Then KTVU "ran with it." Their "scoop."
Maybe a bigger question is, how could someone not receive this information and immediately recognize it as a joke? How could an anchor READ these names before airing them (as they're supposed to do) and not recognize it as a joke? How could an anchor READ THESE NAMES OFF A TELEPROMPTER ON THE AIR without recognizing it as a joke? How could the graphic artist make the graphic without recognizing it as a joke?
Here's the video and apology:
In the words of today's youth: Epic Fail!
UPDATE: Asiana Airlines says it's going to SUE KTVU for damaging it's reputation! On the other hand, does this really damage the airline's reputation more than ACTUALLY CRASHING A PLANE?
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